Life is never in equilibrium
Many people say they want stability in life, but each of us can explain this in our own way. For some, stability means having a lot of money, for others it means a job, but when talking about stability, you should also pay attention to emotional stability.
This sense of security means that life is comfortable, that it has a purpose, and that the daily process is working for you.
Are you satisfied with your health? Are you comfortable with your processes, your work, your relationships?
Stability means being content with what you have. You may want more, but you find your current situation normal, functional, comfortable and satisfactory. Provides satisfaction.
Consider key elements of life such as work, relationships, and current circumstances. If you are in an abusive or controversial relationship, you have no control over it.
If you are constantly stressed and angry at work, you will not feel secure.
Depressive states are not always stable. If that happens, we’ll have to look back.
Sometimes it is right to leave. If we are constantly under attack, under stress and oppression, we will not be able to achieve any form of stability. Even if circumstances bring us money, it is usually not enough. We must find contentment and peace again
Being satisfied with what you have doesn’t mean you never ask for it. Rather, it gives you the power to achieve your goals more effectively. It means living in the present as well as the future. You should enjoy the process of life, but what good is it if you don’t?
Life is once and every moment will never do it again. The future will not bring you greater happiness if you do not learn to receive now.
Gives you what you need to make sure your routine is working and you are living a good life.
Ask yourself. What will make you happy? What will truly bring you stability? Have you ever been in a situation where you are uncomfortable or need help?
Just imagine that you can always strive to achieve this. You just need to achieve the right goals. Ask yourself. “Do your current goals align with the stability of life you want?